Thursday, January 26, 2017

Get Moving with GoNoodle

Are you looking for a fun and quick way to get your students or staff moving after sitting for a while?  Check out GoNoodle.  It's a FREE website with hundreds of custom-created videos that get students running, dancing, jumping, stretching and/or practicing moments of mindfulness.

Each video is typically 2-4 minutes long and fall into the follow categories: guided dancing, free movement, stretching, sports and exercise, kinesthetic learning, coordination or calming.

These videos can be used as a brain break or during indoor recess.  Consider even using one of the calming ones as a way to redirect student behavior or stress.

Here are a few examples:

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Google Forms Quiz Feature

Google Forms has added a new feature that enables you to easily turn a Google Form into a quiz.  This feature creates a quick and easy way to deliver auto-grading assessments.  Questions can be multiple choice, checkbox, and drop-down questions.  You can also do short answer or paragraph text, but you will need to go back in later and grade those questions yourself (See Grade Individual Responses here).

To create a quiz, you create a Google Form, as usual.  I'd encourage you to mark all of the quiz questions as required so students cannot submit the form without answering all questions.

Once your Google Form is completed, you click on the gear wheel (settings) to switch to Quizzes.

Then adjust any of the quiz settings, as needed.  Click SAVE.

Next you assign a point value to each question and identify the correct answer.

If you want to see a summary of responses, then open the Google Form and click on RESPONSES.

To see individual responses, click INDIVIDUAL.  To see a summary of all the responses, click SUMMARY.

If you are a Flubaroo user, you might be interested in checking out this article that compares the Google Forms quizzes feature with Flubaroo and then deciding for yourself which you prefer.

Google Form quizzes can be used in many ways in the classroom, including as a formative or summative assessment, for peer evaluations, or for surveys and polls.  Take advantage of the Quiz feature to automate grading and then make the most of the data it generates for you.